April Fools!

Who was Here First? We’ll let These Animals Hash it out

It’s a Turf War between the Deer, Geese and Skunks on Staten Island!

By: Brooke Price

The geese are sick of the deer invading their territory. (Credit: backyardwilderness.net)

It all started when the deer swam over to Staten Island from New Jersey. Little did they know that the geese had already claimed their territory. The geese were the first to migrate to Staten Island. They built nests and raised their young.

When the geese were out looking for food, they noticed some black and white creatures walking towards them. The skunks were desperate for a new place to call home since their homes had been bulldozed by construction vehicles.

The geese allowed the skunks to stay as long as they promised not to claim the geese’s territory as their own; they respected the geese’s wishes and made homes in logs and dens underground.

The geese and skunks decided to live together peacefully and they shared each other’s resources. The geese and skunks help each other find food and navigate the land in search of new resources.

However, The geese’s territory would soon be invaded, and this time, the invaders did not want to compromise. These brown four-legged animals wanted this territory for themselves and did not want to compromise. They were the deer.

The deer had trekked from New Jersey; they swam for miles in the Atlantic looking for a new home. The forests in which the deer had lived had been cleared and all of their resources were depleted as a result of deforestation.

Eventually, they would arrive at our island: Staten Island. When the geese and skunks saw the deer swimming towards them, they thought of building a tall wall out of sticks and other materials to barricade the deer from entering Staten Island.

They worked together to gather sticks, branches, leaves, and everything that they could find to construct this high wall against the deer. When the wall was complete, the geese and skunks felt that their territory had been saved.

However, this was just the beginning of the war that would soon erupt between the animals.

The geese and skunks awaited for the arrival of the deer, and stayed at their posts behind the wall. The deer began to draw closer and closer.

There was no stopping them; they jumped over the wall one by one. There were soon more deer than geese and skunks combined.

The geese and skunks started attacking the deer. The geese pecked at them, while the skunks sprayed fumes at them.

The deer violently shook off the geese and skunks as they struggled to get away. The deer ran through the forest in a hurry, destroying everything in their path.

Finally, the deer stopped running. They had come to the end of the forest. There was no place to run; the geese and skunks had finally caught up to the deer and surrounded them.

The deer had looked around themselves and noticed all of the destruction that they had caused. The homes of the geese and skunks had all been trampled by the deer and they became horrified by what they had done.

They also felt remorse for their actions. They understood how it felt when they lost their homes.

The deer asked the geese and skunks if they could help rebuild their homes. The geese and skunks were hesitant at first, and felt that the deer had already caused enough trouble.

The deer persisted and the geese and skunks felt that by rebuilding their homes, the deer could redeem themselves.  

The deer used their hoofs to burrow dens in the ground for the skunks. They also gathered twigs to make nests for the geese. Even though their homes were rebuilt, the geese and skunks were still hesitant to trust the deer again.

The deer have decided to hold a conference with the geese and skunks to discuss the incident; they explained that they too had lost their homes.

The skunks and geese finally gained some insight on the deer’s actions. They felt bad for attacking the deer.

Both groups of animals apologized to each other for their actions. As a result of the conference, a peace treaty was drafted and signed.

The leader of each group of animals signed the treaty. Under the “Friends of the Forest Treaty,” all territory is to be shared, so that all animals can coexist peacefully with each other.

The animals must share their resources, such as food and timber, needed to survive in everyday life in the forest.

Once the treaty was signed, the animals rejoiced.  In order to commemorate the day, each leader from the group of animals they represented would have their face carved into the sacred oak tree.

This monument would be titled “The Founding Fathers of the Forest.” The leaders then declared this monumental event as “Forest Friends Day.”

There would be harmony and tranquility in the forest, until the next visitors arrive.

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