
Referendum on the Ballot

Student Government is reforming how we allocate funding but at what cost.

By Michael Levitas

College Students across the country have to student activity fees.  Student Activity fees are the total of the fees collected from students for student government and student activities, including recognized student organizations (clubs, etc.) and certain college programs and services. 

Student activity fees are essential to help fund all non-school related activities on campus. They are supervised and monitored by the College Association with the exception of NYPIRG and USS.  All student organizations that are recognized by the office of student life are eligible to receive student activity fees. 

CSI student government is currently planning to update and reform its earmarking of student activity fees. The status quo revolving the student activity fee has not been changed since 2011. The goal must be to create a referendum based on the earmarking of student activity fees. Student Government created a petition requiring over 1,000 signatures to get the referendum on the ballot and an updated student government constitution Student senators found themselves going from building to building collecting signatures.

Students will be able to vote for the referendum when elections for student government open up on April 4th.  The updated student activity fees would result in numerous changes. Publications will receive a cut as we no longer print physical publications. CSI Association will be receiving a drop in funding as they are currently struggling with financial issues. The CSI Association is a not-for-profit company founded to handle the finances involved.  WSIA, the radio station, is receiving an increase in funds. The referendum also speaks about eliminating transportation fees; our largest expense that we can afford for longer. Removing the transportation fee will allow us to free up funds for activities.

The transportation fee was originally introduced in 2015 paid for by the college through a grant.  The student activity fee was added as a burden to students, however in the last few years student activity fees have borne 100% of the total cost and services have increased 1-3% annually on the hand students who rely on transportation will find themselves primarily affected.  Earmarking of funds always comes with tradeoffs, putting the referendum on the ballot we can allow students to vote and decide which tradeoffs they prefer. 

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